Berne Broudy is a veteran outdoor and travel journalist turned director and producer who spends as much time outdoors as humanly possible, who won't accept the status quo, and who passionately pursues her interests.
Broudy was born in New York City, grew up in Connecticut, and attended Williams College. After biking cross-country with no cycling experience with a philosophy of religion major in hand, she tried a career in international development relations before pivoting to full-time guiding in South America, Europe, and the U.S. For the past 25 years, she has been a professional writer and photographer based in Vermont and frequently on the road in far-flung locations including Greenland, Mongolia, Ghana, Namibia, Norway, and Nepal.
The outdoors is where Broudy finds inspiration, happiness, and peace. So in 2017, she co-founded the grassroots mountain bike trail club that recently completed the first-known fully adaptive-bike-friendly trail network.
"We didn't know exactly what we were doing or how to do it, but we knew we had to try," says Broudy. "Then we witnessed trails breaking down ableism. We saw the community coalescing. And we knew we had to tell the story to inspire others."